The Ugliest Cars Ever Produced

Published on 12/31/2018

1973 Austin Allegro

We know that this car was very popular at the time of its release, but looking back, we can’t help but wonder why. It pretty much looks like a carton on wheels. Weren’t there better options for family cars in the ’70s? At least we can be thankful that car designs have come a long way since.

1973 Austin Allegro

1973 Austin Allegro


1959 Ford Anglia

This car is proof that even the best of us can make mistakes. The 1959 Ford Anglia, while not the worst thing that we’ve seen, is pretty awful. It has that awkward body shape that isn’t quite boxy and yet it isn’t styled well either. Overall, we score this design 2/10.

1959 Ford Anglia

1959 Ford Anglia